Motor Vehicle Dealership (Gauteng)

Multiple domestic solar water heating systems installed, 2100ℓ feeding the workshops, change rooms & kitchens. - Designed, supplied & Installed by Solar Heat.

Domestic Install (Gauteng)

Solar water heating system to meet clients specific needs.- Designed, supplied & Installed by Solar Heat.

Domestic Install (Gauteng)

Solar water heating system to meet clients specific needs.- Designed, supplied & Installed by Solar Heat.

Wilderness School (Limpopo)

Solar hot water system feeding the ablutions facilities. The domestic systems are plumbed in series & parallel to supply around 20,000ℓ.- Designed, supplied & Installed by Solar Heat.

Hostel Accommodation (Mpumalanga)

20 x 1500ℓ and 20 x 3000ℓ hot water systems with Solar as the primary source of heat. Heat pumps installed as a backup. - Designed, supplied & Installed by Solar Heat.

Mine Change House (Limpopo)

180m² of flat plate solar collectors, heating a hot water storage tank of 14,500ℓ. - Designed, supplied & installed by Solar Heat.

Pvt. Game Reserve (Northern Cape)

1500ℓ hot water storage, heated by solar collectors, waste heat from Aircon system, bypass heating to pool via heat exchangers. - Designed by Solsquare, installed by Solar Heat.